Links for the Week 2009.05.22

Big pile o’ link love this week. Honestly, I didn’t include a ton of GREAT links from Brent Ozar because people would start to think that Brent Ozar pays me to link to his site and say Brent Ozar a lot. He doesn’t, but if you click on the links to Brent Ozar maybe he’ll see where the traffic came from and pay me to provide links to Brent Ozar


SQL Server 2008 Developer Training Kit Available for Download Denis Gobo provides a link and a quick summary of Microsoft’s most recent training offering for developers that will help get people up to speed with SQL Server 2008. PASS Virtualization Virtual Chapter That’s right, we have a new thing atPASS. Well, the same old thing has a new name. SIGs are now Virtual Chapters. And Brent Ozar is now in charge of the PASS Virtualization Chapter. Check it out! Download – SQL Server 2008 Developer Training Kit Free training. Free training. Freetraining. freetraining. Excel Functions for SQL Server Sometimes I’ll find myself using SQL Server and longing for something from Excel that one of my more management-type friends has shown me. Now I can, in theory, have some of that Excel love right in SQL Server. What’s a ‘DBA’? I’ve known for a long time that, while I love data, I’m not a DBA… not 100%, at least. Sam Bendayan answers the question and talks about what job title options there are for database professionals


MvcFluentHtml – Fluent HTML Interface For MS MVC ASP.NET MVC doesn’t us a bad method to generate HTML, but there are definitely smoother ways, depending on how preference. Fluent HTML uses one paradigm to make it a bit easier to generate HTML in your views. It’s closer to how Ruby on Rails does things, and I like Rails. A lot. Almost as much as I like SQL Server. Dear Art Director…


The Information Architecture of Personal Music Collections Dan Brown, famed Information Architect not famed author, spent a lot of time thinking about how people interact with music libraries. The poster is from 2005 but, shockingly, not a lot has changed since then. 11 Striking Findings From an Eye Tracking Study Eye tracking is some great stuff, it’s right up there with click tracking. It helps us, as bloggers, figure out what you, the readers, are paying attention to. How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle When You’re Too Busy To Care Title says it all. Lazy? Want to get in better shape? Do this. Evil Lair: On the Architecture of the Enemy in Videogame Worlds I don’t know what to say about this, really. This is a fascinating article about how architecture current works its way into video games and also how it could be used. 10 for $10 hardcore summer tour This is the coolest idea for a summer tour – 10 bands for $10. If you’re at all into hardcore punk, it’ll be a great show. If you aren’t (which is more than likely since you’re reading this blog), take note because it’s an interesting idea that you might see more of in the future. How to Build Your Own PC WARNING: NOT SAFE FOR is often flagged as adult content. Don’t visit it if you like keeping your job. That being said, this is a hilarious look at building your own computer. It’s based on Brent Ozar‘s experiences building his hackintosh.