Links for the Week – 2009.09.25


There’s a three part series (one two three) on migrating databases. I’m sure many people have been through this before. I know I have. About a week before these three posts were published. Ever wonder when you should use a filtered index and when you should use an indexed view? Yeah, I have too. The distinction hasn’t been all that clear (to me). Andrew Fryer clears that up a bit in this blog post.


I like the idea of continuous integration. I like testing. I like automating everything until I don’t even have to think about it anymore. It can be done even with the database. Jeffrey Palermo and Eric Hexter demonstrated just how to get CI working with your database project using nothing but pure T-SQL.


These first two are for some RSS reader goodness. I haven’t gotten around to trying out Fever for my RSS feeds yet. The idea of paying $40 for an RSS reader is a bit steep. But, the idea of having my feeds add value to one another is intriguing. If you’re feeling a bit cheap, there’s always Helvetireader. This is a set of browser scripts and CSS that add a touch of class to your google reader. The Personal MBA is a set of reading materials meant to teach everything that you would get in an MBA program. While I doubt that it’s the same as getting an MBA, I do like the idea of a reading list that’s designed to help me, a nerd, get better at something I suck at: business. Soundtrack for a City Augmented reality – through our phones or sunglasses or our retinal implants – is only beginning. It’s new. Soon sight will be augmented by sound. I love this idea.